Benefits of Solar Energy

Save Money and Fight Climate Change

Solar reduces your carbon footprint

Solar reduces your energy costs by up to 90%

Solar is a long-term investment in sustainability

Why Guatemala Needs Solar Energy

In Guatemala, electricity prices are twice as high as in the U.S.

These high costs represent an enormous burden on small and medium sized companies. But they also represent an opportunity.

High energy prices mean shorter payback periods. It takes just 3-4 years to earn your money back from a solar installation in Guatemala, a third of the time it takes in the U.S. or Europe.

Solar Investment Payback Period

Guatemala vs Global Electricity Costs

Why Your Business Needs Solar Energy

For Guatemalan companies struggling with high fixed costs, reducing electricity bills by 90% over the 25-year life of the equipment is a game-changer that allows them to invest in the profitability and long-term success of their business.

With Albedo, companies no longer pay endless monthly electricity bills but invest in their own energy independence. All while reducing carbon emissions with renewable energy.

Environmental Impact

Every $100 invested in Albedo takes 10 tons of CO2e out of the atmosphere, like taking 2 cars off the road for a year!

An average Albedo solar installation reduces CO2e by 135 tons, like taking 29 cars off the road for a year!

To limit global warmingto 1.5°C, worldwide CO2e emissions must be reduced by 49% by 2030.

Easy Financing with Albedo Solar

In Guatemala, traditional banks and financial organizations do not offer suitable loans for solar installations, and without financing, 90% of businesses are unable to invest due to high upfront costs.

But with Albedo’s easy financing, you can harness the power of solar electricity and save thousands of dollars in the process.

Our system is simple: 10% downpayment, 3-4 years of low monthly payments, and then 22+ years saving up to 90%.

The upfront price of solar can be expensive, but with Albedo it’s possible for everyone.